Sunday, November 10, 2013

Article 05: Taste who knew?  We have taste receptors in our lungs?  This is an interesting article about how something we think of as just for pleasure -- taste -- can have a biological function that is completely unanticipated.


  1. At first, I thought why the heck people have taste recpetors in their lungs? But as I read through the article, I could understant. Dr. Liggett mentioned that poison usually has bitter taste and people are revolved to avoid such danger. I didn't know most poison has bitter taste because I never tasted before.
    Also, several illnness can be cured by using this taste receptors is surprising too. I thought well now people who suffer from asthma can feel better by eating sour and bitter taste food. But Dr. Liggett said that taking bitter food won't help in the treatment of asthma. According to him, best cure is to take durg that has chemical modification of bitter compunds. Well, when I meet someone who suffer from asthma, I will tell that person this news !!

  2. it is actually interesting that we have taste receptors in our lungs...that can't taste!!!
    I mean, they said that the receptors don't send signals to the brain, but they respond to bitter taste?. Funny thing is when I first read this I thought hmm so we can just chew on lemon and inhale vinegar and we're good?
    then the researcher warned that this doesn't work and the whole discovery seemed kind of lame to me afterward.

    People suffering from asthma would still have to use inhalers anyways and probably the new "bitter" ones would be more expensive. Americans with lousy health insurance will end up using their regular chemical inhalers if they can still afford it.

  3. Wow ... magnificent serendipity!! I knew that for example some bitter herbs are good for detox your liver, the lemon is good to produce more bile and to have better digestión (for that, when your stomach feel wrong you have to drink water with lemon), but that´s amusing!!... we are part of the Earth and on Earth we can find the solution to our health problems.
    In the other hand Danyah, why you think this new invention will be expensive?
    Far ago (and this not a fairy tale) one naturist told me that the colloidal Silver can do the same work that the antibiotics...but is a natural product. It kills bacterias, virus... and in this case, is cheaper than antibiotics (if you don´t have health insurance).
    She told me that all medicaments come from the study effects of some herbs, the pharmacies analyze the herbs, and then transfer to a quimical products, that way , they can sell a lot because is a product done artificially, they don´t have to have special care (is manufactured), but of course, can be more harmful than herbs.

    Who knows... I will end saying the same that Sócrate: I only know that I don´t know anything.

    We will let the science do his work.
